2024 Regional & Finals Rules

Regional Rules


Select  – This is our Advanced Level. Performers who have significant competition and/or dance experience, or who have advanced technique and/or performance skills, should be placed in Select, regardless of their routine count. Performers who compete in 13 or more routines will automatically be placed in Select. Select level entries are eligible for Select top score awards as well as additional chosen awards. Select level dancers are limited to 3 solos per event. Select level performers may not compete in Nova level routines.

Classic  – This is our Intermediate Level. Performers who have moderate competition and/or dance experience should be placed in Classic (we recommend 4-8 years of competition experience). If performers have limited competition experience but above-average technique and performance skills, they should be placed in the Select level! Performers who compete in 12 or fewer routines from every division may be considered Classic. Classic level entries are eligible for Classic top score awards as well as additional chosen awards. Classic dancers may perform up to 2 solos per event for top score.

Nova  – This is our Recreational Level. Performers who have limited or no competition and/or dance experience should be placed in Nova (we recommend 3 years or less of competition experience). Performers who compete in 8 or fewer routines from every division may be considered Nova. Nova level entries are eligible for Nova top score awards as well as additional chosen awards. Nova dancers may perform up to 2 solos per event for top score.

Additional Level Rules:

  • Each dancer is assigned a level by the studio owner, however, StarQuest judges can unanimously choose to promote dancers to the next highest level. 
  • Dancers’ levels will automatically bump up to the next level if they are placed in too many routines for their assigned level.
  • StarQuest judges have the final say on the level of each routine. Each judge has the ability to “bump” the level of the routine on their screen. If 2 or more judges choose to place a routine at a more advanced level, we will inform the studio of the new level and any other changes prior to the corresponding awards ceremony.
  • Routines are calculated based on the level of each dancer.
    • Soloists, whether assigned to the Select, Classic, or Nova level must perform all their solos at the same level they are assigned. Solo routine levels may not be bumped up or down unless the dancer’s level is bumped up or down as well (which may affect the level of their additional routines).
    • Duets: For a mixed-level duet, the routine level is determined by its highest-level dancer. When a dance is a 50/50 split, the dance will be placed in the higher level. Studio owners may request the routine be placed in the lower level.
    • Trios: For a mixed-level trio, the routine level is determined by the 2 highest-level dancers.
    • Duet/Trios that include one Nova and one Select level dancer may be placed in the Classic or Select level. These routines may NOT be placed in the Nova level.
    • Groups & Lines: For a mixed-level group/line, the level of the routine is based on the level of the majority of the dancers. When a dance is a 50/50 split, the dance will be placed in the higher level. Studio owners may request the routine be placed in the lower level.
      • Routines that include 1 or more Select level dancers may not be placed in the Nova level.
  • Failure to follow these rules may result in the routine being “adjudicated only.”
  • Since NO competition can possibly know how many hours a child dances, how many years they have danced, or the degree of competition experience, studio directors are left to their own judgment when choosing a level for their students.


Solo  – 1 performer

Duet/Trio  – 2-3 performers

Small Group  – 4-9 performers

Large Group  – 10-19 performers

Line  – 20 or more performers

Mega Line  – 20 or more performers; routine utilizing scenic pieces for choreographic impact or conveying a recurring theme through music or story. Only division where the Production category can be used.

Additional Entry Division Rules:

  • The division placement of an entry is determined by the number of contestants who actually perform that entry at the competition, regardless of the number of contestants who were originally entered.
  • An entry that changes division during the competition and/or is unable to perform within its scheduled division time may be “adjudicated only.”
  • For a routine with 20 or more performers, the studio owner may choose Line or Mega Line Divisions.
  • Mega Line top scores are given out in the Petite/Junior & Teen/Senior age classes.


Mini – Age 5 & Under *Mini dancers and routines cannot compete in the Select level.

Petite – Age 6-8

Junior – Age 9-11

Teen – Age 12-14

Senior – Age 15-18

Progressive – Age 19-24 *Progressive routines automatically compete in the Select level.

Adult – Age 25+ *Adult routines automatically compete in the Select level.

  • Duet/Trios and Groups with dancers who are 19 years of age or younger will use the average age to calculate the age class. They will not automatically be considered Progressive or Adult.
  • Duet/Trios and Groups that have 1 or more dancers age 20 or older will automatically be placed in Progressive or Adult. The average age will determine whether it is Progressive (average Age 24 or less) or Adult (average Age 25+).
  • Progressive and Adult Groups are eligible for their corresponding top score awards but are not eligible for additional group awards such as Viral Video, etc.


Parent – Routine that includes parents and/or parents and students. A Parent routine competes for the Parent award only and cannot also compete for the Adult or Progressive award. Parent routines are judged at the Select level.

Rising Star – This division is designed for dancers with special needs or disabilities who want to share their love of dance. All Rising Star routines will compete for the Rising Star award. StarQuest may give out multiple Rising Star top score awards across different age classes.


  • Regional and Final ages are as of January 1, 2024.
  • For Duet/Trios, Small Groups, Large Groups, Lines, and Mega Lines, the average age determines the age class into which you may enter.
  • To determine the age class and age range of a dance – Add the ages of all the contestants, then divide by the number of contestants. When the average age ends in a decimal, always round DOWN.
  • If there is one or more performer age 20+ in any Duet/Trio, Small Group, Large Group, Line or Mega Line routine, that routine will compete for the Progressive, Adult, or Parent top score award.
  • Contestants may be required to present proof of age in the form of a birth certificate if a protest regarding age occurs. Such protest must be presented by a Studio Director or Competition Director ONLY, in writing to the director of StarQuest Dance Competition, and within one-half hour of the performance of the entry in question.
  • Any routine that has an average age that falls within .5 of another age class may choose to move the routine to the next age class.
    • Example – A Junior Small Group with an average age of 11.7 may choose to compete as a Teen Small Group age 12.
    • StarQuest judges have the ability to move these routines to their original age class.


Solo, Duet/Trio – 2:45 min

Small Group – 3 min

Large Group, Line – 4 min

Mega Line – 6 min

  • Any routine that exceeds the given time limit will be charged for additional time. Failure to provide payment prior to the routine’s awards ceremony will result in the routine being “adjudicated only.”


  • Small Group/Large Group prop set ups exceeding 2 minutes automatically begin the timing of that routine.
  • Line/Mega Line prop set ups exceeding 4 minutes automatically begin the timing of that routine.
  • Any prop set up/routine that exceeds the given time limit will be charged for additional time. Failure to provide payment prior to the routine’s awards ceremony will result in the routine being “adjudicated only.”
  • Props need to be taken down within 2 minutes; for set up times please see the time limits above.
  • Any prop set up that exceeds the time limits above without prior written approval from StarQuest may result in the routine being “adjudicated only.”
  • Call the StarQuest office for a specific ruling about unique routines exceeding designated time limits.


The following performance categories can contain no more than 50% acrobatic tricks: Ballet, Clogging, Contemporary, Folkloric, Jazz, Lyrical, Modern, Pointe, and Tap. (Lifts, leaps, cartwheels, and splits are allowed). Any routine with more than 50% acrobatic tricks in the aforementioned categories may receive a 2-point deduction. Any routine requiring tap shoes, except in the Musical Theater, Open, or Production categories, cannot have taps on tape or 5 points will be deducted from the entire routine.

  • The same contestant(s) cannot compete more than once in the same category and age range in Solos or Duet/Trios to prevent performers from competing against themselves. Otherwise, one of the routines will need to be moved to a different category.

Acrobatic/Gymnastic Dance – Routine using controlled moves such as walkovers, limbers, handstands, chest rolls, etc. May contain gymnastic passes, flexibility moves, and/or contortionist moves. (A tumbling pass is considered one trick). Must contain dance moves, steps, and choreography.

Ballet – Routine must consist of ballet technique, classical steps, and movements.

Baton – Routine using baton(s) and baton technique. Will be judged on both baton technique and dance moves, steps, and choreography.

Character – Routine must portray a character throughout. Can be from a theatrical production, movie, television, musical group, or an archetype such as a clown, animal, princess, band, etc.

Cheerleading – Routine must use cheerleading style combining leaps, jumps, vocal cheering, and precision.

Clogging – Routine using clogging technique and style.

Contemporary – Routine incorporating lyrical or jazz movement fused with modern elements.

Folkloric – Routine using styles of dance considered as part of the tradition or custom of a particular culture or group of people.

Hip-Hop – Routine using primarily hip-hop technique and moves.

Jazz – Routine using primarily jazz technique.

Lyrical – Routine encompassing the use of balance, flexibility, and control utilizing the lyrics and feeling of the music.

Modern – Interpretive routine using a modern style. Should incorporate balance, control, and extension moves.

Musical Theatre – Routine utilizing a Broadway or Movie Musical Song incorporating dance, characters, and/or costumes.

Open – Routine which does not fit into one of our performance categories or a routine which is a combination of two or more of our performance categories.

Pantomime/Lip Sync – Portrayal of a stereotype or impersonation through pantomime and costume.

Pointe – Routine must consist of pointe/toe technique.

Pom Pon – Routine demonstrating precision marching and sharp, definitive choreography. Must use pom pons for at least 75% of routine.

Production – (Mega Line division only) A routine that utilizes multiple dance genres for choreographic impact or conveys a recurring theme through music or story.

Song & Dance – Routine should contain simultaneous singing while dancing from any of our performance categories. (StarQuest tap mics will be utilized for “hands-free” singing). This category is NOT eligible for the “Outstanding Vocalist” award. (5 points will be deducted for lead voices on the music track). Back-up vocals permitted. (See the Vocal category below for microphone information).

Tap – Routine utilizing tap technique. (5 points will be deducted for taps on the music track).

Wild Card – Routine from any of the above-listed categories. The Wild Card category can only be used after a routine with the same performer(s) from any of the above-listed categories is already entered.


Vocal – The song may be in any musical style (i.e. country-western, rock-n-roll, classical, blues, etc). (5 points will be deducted for lead voices on music track). Back-up vocals are permitted. All Vocal routines are eligible for the “Outstanding Vocalist” top score award only. (This category is NOT eligible for Title).

  • 2 wireless hand-held microphones with stands are available at each competition.
  • Special (lavalier-type) microphones or sound equipment may not be hooked up without prior written StarQuest management approval. Please contact the StarQuest office at least 30 days before your event.
  • Vocalists may perform in the Select, Classic, or Nova level. If a performer is dancing and performing a vocal routine at the same competition, their vocal level does not need to match their assigned dancing level.


Please see your Online Registration Profile for further details. All deposits and fees are non-refundable. A reservation deposit is required to reserve your spot. If an event sells out and you are NOT RESERVED and/or not paid in full, even if you are attached in online registration, your routines are not guaranteed. Please reserve your entries as soon as possible. Our Event Concierges are always here to help!


All entries must be submitted from a verified studio through Online Registration. We do not accept Independent Entries. Phone, fax or e-mail entries will NOT be accepted. Entries are limited to the amount of performance time available at each event. Dancers can only compete with one studio per event unless there is prior authorization from StarQuest and both Studio Owners. Regional and Finals Fees can be found on each studio’s StarQuest Online Registration Home Page.

StarQuest Reserves the right to shorten or alter event dates at any time without notice.

StarQuest can not guarantee that you will have competition within every age & level that you sign up for.


StarQuest is proud to continue its ALL-INCLUSIVE MEDIA PACKAGE. The pre-paid Media Package covers ALL photos & videos associated with each dancer, plus a free digital program, and a free livestream of the event whenever possible. This extremely low-cost fee is separate from entry fees and is calculated on the studio’s Online Registration page. The Media Package is required for all dancers and studios. Dancers who attend multiple StarQuest regional events only pay for the Media Package at their first event; all additional regional events that year are complimentary.


Music must be uploaded to the online registration website with your routines no later than 7 days prior to the event.

Digital Upload:

  • Music files can only be uploaded after the performances are entered.
  • StarQuest will automatically assign entry numbers to each uploaded music file.
  • Please be sure to upload the exact version of your performance music because pitch/speed of music cannot be adjusted at the event.
  • StarQuest supports MP3, M4A & MP4 files.
  • Uploaded music files must be DRM-free.
  • Please bring a backup copy of your music on a USB.

StarQuest is not responsible for USB flash drives left at the show.


Mini StarQuest – Ages 5 & Under

Petite StarQuest – Ages 6-8

Junior StarQuest – Ages 9-11

Teen StarQuest – Ages 12-14

Senior StarQuest – Ages 15-18

  • All StarQuest titles are gender inclusive.
    • Nova Emerging Artist:
      • A Nova level soloist may enter as many as two regional solo routines for a regional “Nova Emerging Artist” title.
      • Nova Emerging Artist” scores are separate and not related to their adjudication score. The score is based on the performer’s overall performance ability, personality, and entertainment skills, in addition to technique.
      • All genders compete together for “Nova Emerging Artist.”
      • Each winner receives one free title add at a 2024 World Finals, a custom award, and several other prizes.
      • Up to 2 Runners Up will be announced and will receive a custom award.
      • All participants up for “Nova Emerging Artist” will receive a custom medal.
    • Classic Emerging Artist:
      • A Classic level soloist may enter as many as two regional solo routines for a regional “Classic Emerging Artist” title.
      • Classic Emerging Artist” scores are separate and not related to their adjudication score. The score is based on the performer’s overall performance ability, personality, and entertainment skills, in addition to technique.
      • All genders compete together for “Classic Emerging Artist.”
      • Each winner receives one free title add at a 2024 World Finals, a custom award, and several other prizes.
      • Up to 2 Runners Up will be announced and will receive a custom award.
      • All participants up for “Classic Emerging Artist” will receive a custom medal.
    • Elite Dancer
      • A Select level soloist may enter as many as three regional solo routines for a regional “Elite Dancer″ title.
      • “Elite Dancer” scores are separate and not related to their adjudication score. The score is based on the performer’s overall performance ability, personality, and entertainment skills, in addition to technique.
      • All genders compete together for “Elite Dancer.”
      • Each winner receives one free title add at a 2024 World Finals, a custom award, and several other prizes.
      • Up to 2 Runners Up will be announced and will receive a custom award.
      • All participants up for “Elite Dancer” will receive a custom medal.
  • The cost of a regional title is $60 per entry and may be added on-site, as well as in advance online.

NOTE: You do not have to win a 2024 Regional “Elite Dancer” or “Emerging Artist” Title to compete for 2024 World “Elite Dancer” or “Emerging Artist”!


A panel of highly qualified, fully vetted, and competent judges will judge all performances. All contestants, teachers, and parents agree that the method of judging shall be solely within the discretion of the directors of StarQuest Dance Competition and that all decisions of the judges are final. Contestants will be adjudicated against a point system. In this way, the contestants receive a more accurate evaluation of their performance. With this scoring system, multiple Ultimate Platinum (Select only), Platinum Plus, Platinum, High Gold, and Gold adjudication awards may be presented within each age class and division for each category of competition. Studio directors may pick up their Score Sheet Summaries at the end of each competition day and Score Sheet Summaries will also be uploaded as PDFs to your studio registration profile.

Video critiques of each routine from all 3 judges are provided online via the studio’s registration profile. The critiques are provided to the studio directors/owners and are not for public consumption. The critiques are for educational purposes and are not meant to be shared outside of the studio. They should be shared with the dancers only and are prohibited from being posted to any form of social media or on other websites. If the critiques leave the studio, the studio is responsible for any/all liability and holds StarQuest harmless of any claims of the critiques being shared/posted online. The critiques will be available Tuesday by 6 PM, after the competition weekend!


Select                                                                      Nova/Classic

300-291                    Ultimate Platinum              N/A

290.99-276              Platinum Plus                   300-276

275.99-264              Platinum                            275.99-264

263.99-246              High Gold                          263.99-246

245.99-228              Gold                                    245.99-228


  • No form of liquid, gel, aerosol, paint, chalk, glitter, or other material that can adversely affect the dancing surface may be used.
  • If the stage is littered after your performance, you are responsible for the immediate and expeditious removal of any debris. Failure to follow these safety measures may result in the routine being “adjudicated only.”
  • Acrobatic silks and dangerous props such as fire, swords, and knives are prohibited.
  • Backdrops, hanging pieces, scaffolding, rigging, or special lights are also prohibited without prior permission from the StarQuest Event Director.
  • Choreography that allows any dancer to be physically placed more than 6 feet off the ground of any scenic piece or prop is not allowed without prior written StarQuest management approval.
  • Live animals and helium balloons are not allowed without prior written StarQuest management approval – these are illegal at many event locations. Please contact the StarQuest office 30 days before your event.


  • Contestants and guests give their permission to the director of StarQuest Dance Competition, Contractors, Consultants, and Sponsors to use their photographs and/or videos in connection with advertising, TV, websites, social media, and news coverage of our competition.
  • Video recording or photography is not allowed during performances as well as in dressing rooms and lavatories. Photography and videography are allowed during award ceremonies; flash photography is never allowed. Unauthorized video recording or unauthorized photography may lead to an entry being “adjudicated only,” the photos and/or videos being confiscated, and those involved possibly being escorted from the event. We have the exclusive right to notify legal authorities, if necessary, as well as deny any person(s) or studio(s) access to the competition – and possibly future StarQuest competitions – due to misconduct, misuse, or otherwise. We urge all studio owners, teachers, and especially parents to keep our performers photographically safe by reporting suspected photographic violations.


  • Neither StarQuest Dance Competition, its directors, and staff, nor the hosting facility is responsible for personal injury or property loss to contestants or spectators. The StarQuest schedule, directions, regional competition update, and sponsorship offers will be available online to all studios no less than one week before each competition date. 
  • A StarQuest teacher packet including an entry confirmation list, parent timesheet, and competition schedule will be emailed to all studios no less than one week before each competition date. (Schedules vary from location to location depending on the number of routines that are registered).
  • StarQuest reserves the right to bar or remove any attendee (participant, spectator, teacher, studio head, etc.) from any StarQuest event, in its sole discretion, if StarQuest determines or believes that an attendee’s presence or behavior creates a disruption or hinders the StarQuest event or the enjoyment of the StarQuest event by other attendees.
  • Incomplete routines may be “adjudicated only” since the judges can only score the routine for “time performed” as opposed to completed routines that are automatically eligible for top score.
  • Contestants must check in with our Stage Manager and perform in scheduled order unless our Stage Manager grants special permission. Failure to comply with any of these directives may result in the routine being “adjudicated only.”
  • Should the event run ahead of its scheduled time, performers should still plan to be ready to perform.
  • All deposits and fees are non-refundable.
  • Good sportsmanship is expected from all contestants, studio owners, teachers, parents, and guests. Failure to display such conduct may result in the routine being “adjudicated only.”
  • Any routine with choreography, music, or costume considered inappropriate for family viewing by our judges will become “adjudicated only.” See StarQuest and Appropriateness for further explanation.


By registering, attending, viewing or participating in a StarQuest International Inc. (“StarQuest”) event or entering the venue of a StarQuest event, you ________________________ (hereinafter “Studio” or “you”) acknowledge full responsibility and forever release and discharge StarQuest, and any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and venues/theaters from any and all contracts, claims, suits, actions, and liabilities arising from or relating to injuries, illnesses, accidents or damages, by you and/or any Studio participant, faculty, administrative personnel, participant’s family and/or friends and any and all other individuals in any way affiliated or appearing on behalf of a as a result of the Studio, from their participation or viewing the StarQuest event. If injury or illness occurs, you understand that StarQuest, and any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and venues/theaters are NOT financially or in any way responsible and will NOT offer any reimbursement. By registering, attending, viewing, or participating in a StarQuest event or entering this venue, you release all liability and agree with all policies set by StarQuest. By registering, attending, viewing, or participating in a StarQuest event, it is agreed that your insurance policy will be the only source of any reimbursement in case of injury, illness, or any other instance to you, any Studio participant, faculty, administrative personnel, participant’s family and/or friends and any and all other individuals in any way affiliated or appearing on behalf of an as a result of the Studio.

If a studio owner/director or authorized staff member is not in attendance on site to make decisions for the studio, the StarQuest staff will refer to the next closest authority, whether it be a teacher or parent, to make any decisions on behalf of the studio.

You acknowledge that StarQuest, its contractors, consultants & sponsors, have the right to use any forms of media, including but not limited to photographs and video in any and all promotional-related materials indefinitely. You understand that StarQuest from time to time produces audio-visual programs, promotions, and other materials relating to its Events. The Studio hereby grants StarQuest and its agents, successors, licensees, contractors, consultants & sponsors the perpetual right to use the name, likeness, biographical information, photographs, voice, personal characteristics, and other personal identification (collectively “Likeness”) and any digital, videotape, sound and audio-visual recordings in any way (collectively “Recordings”) in any and all manner and media, now known or hereafter devised, throughout the world, for any and all purposes including, without limitation, in productions and in connection with the advertising and promotion of productions and/or Company, provided that Company is under no obligation to exercise any of the foregoing rights of any Studio participant, faculty, administrative personnel, participant’s family and/or friends and any and all other individuals in any way affiliated or appearing on behalf of a as a result of the Studio.

The use of music within any performance by a studio or studio participant (hereinafter and collectively “You” or “Your”), at  StarQuest events, used by You without the copyright owner’s permission to use such music for performance or any video production of said performance is illegal. Therefore, prior to any performance by You that contains music, You must certify that You have properly obtained written permission from the copyright owners, by either written agreement or license, to reproduce and/or use any material owned by third parties, for use with your performance to include any videos made of said performance prior to the airing of any possible video of Your performance publicly to include any StarQuest’s platforms.

Moreover, such licenses or other rights shall be at Your sole cost and expense and the party obtaining such licenses or other permissions shall be solely responsible for observing and complying with the terms and conditions under which such Third-Party Intellectual Property is licensed, or right is otherwise obtained from the applicable third party.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless StarQuest, its respective affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and permitted successors and assigns against any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, penalties, punitive damages, expenses, reasonable legal fees, and costs of any kind or amount whatsoever, which results or may result from Your failure to acquire either a license or written agreement to use any copyrighted material.

COVID-19 RELEASE: The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. StarQuest has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, StarQuest cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending StarQuest events in person will increase your risk, and any Studio participant, faculty, administrative personnel, participant’s family and/or friends, and any and all other individuals in any way affiliated or appearing on behalf of and as a result of the Studio, risk of contracting COVID-19.

By signing this agreement, you acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that you and any Studio participant, faculty, administrative personnel, participant’s family and/or friends, and any and all other individuals in any way affiliated or appearing on behalf of and as a result of the Studio, may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending any StarQuest in-person events, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. Although StarQuest has taken measures to keep all guests, attendees, and participants safe, you understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at a StarQuest event may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, StarQuest, or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, venues/theaters, other dancers and their families.

You voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to any Studio participant, faculty, administrative personnel, participant’s family and/or friends and any and all other individuals in any way affiliated or appearing on behalf of and as a result of the Studio (including but not limited to personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense of any kind, that you or any Studio participant, faculty, administrative personnel, participant’s family and/or friends and any and all other individuals in any way affiliated or appearing on behalf of a as a result of the Studio may experience or incur in connection with any Studio participant, faculty, administrative personnel, participant’s family and/or friends and any and all other individuals in any way affiliated or appearing on behalf of and as a result of the Studio attendance at a StarQuest event. You hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless StarQuest, and any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and venues/theaters of and from the Claims including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expense of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. You understand and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of StarQuest and any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and venues/theaters whether a COVID-19 or any other infection occurs before, during, or after participation in a StarQuest event.

By signing you agree that you, any Studio participant, faculty, administrative personnel, participant’s family and/or friends, and any and all other individuals in any way affiliated or appearing on behalf of and as a result of the Studio are NOT:

• Experiencing cold/flu symptoms such as fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, cough or sore throat

• Positive for COVID-19

• Awaiting COVID-19 test results

You further agree that any and all claims, causes of actions, or lawsuits arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be litigated only in the state or federal courts sitting in Wake County, North Carolina, and each party hereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of each of such courts for such purposes. In connection with any litigation arising from this Agreement, StarQuest, if the prevailing party, shall be entitled to recover all costs incurred, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees for such litigation and any subsequent appeals. The parties waive any right to assert any claims against the other party as a representative or member in any class or representative action, except where such waiver is prohibited by law or deemed by a court of law to be against public policy.

The undersigned, including all signatories agree to abide by all rules and regulations pertaining to StarQuest, and companies and contractors that work with StarQuest and agree to all terms and rules for their participants, child(ren), and/or wards and they are aware of all policies. The undersigned agrees all policies will be those of StarQuest and the laws of the state in which you are participating. StarQuest may change or adjust policies as needed. A signature below means that all policies, procedures, and releases are understood and agreed to.

By signing below you and the parents and/or guardians of any Studio participant are acknowledging that an inherent risk in any public place where people are present. By attending any StarQuest event, you, your participants, and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to a StarQuest event and agree not to hold StarQuest, and any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, or venues/theaters liable for any illness or injury.

You also attest that you have provided this release to all studio participants and parents and/or guardians of any minor studio participants, that they fully understand and accept all the provisions herein, on behalf of themselves, their children and/or wards, and any family and/or friends they bring to the event.


The 2024 StarQuest World Finals are OPEN INVITATIONAL!

You do not have to enter a 2024 StarQuest Regional competition to compete at the 2024 World Finals! All entries must be from a studio. (Regional rules regarding levels, divisions, time limits, music, age ranges, age classes, performance categories, and additional categories apply.) Select level soloists can perform 4 solos at World Finals. Classic & Nova level soloists can perform 2 solos at World Finals for top score. Copies of birth certificates for all contestants competing in the 2024 World Finals should be accessible on-site. World Finals fees can be found at each studio’s StarQuest Online Registration Home Page. All ages for the 2024 World Finals are as of January 1, 2024.

*New for 2024 *- Improv Competition (Sponsored by Artists Unite Collective)

StarQuest will host an Improv Competition at each of our 2024 World Finals events. It will be held in our Master Class room (days & times to be announced closer to the event date). The fee is $30 per person in advance and $35 per person when registering on-site. Registration for the improv competition can be done via the studio’s online registration portal.